Cape Cod & Islands Municipal Leaders cooperating and making a difference in their communities.

Cape and Islands Municipal Leaders Association, Inc.

Representing 22 Municipalities on Cape Cod & the Islands and 105 Elected Officials

CIMLA is organized exclusively for the promotion of social welfare pursuant to Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, serving as a forum for elected local officials and others to exchange information and ideas to improve the quality of municipal and regional government on Cape Cod.

CIMLA brings together municipal leaders from across Cape Cod and the Islands to solve problems and engage with one another to advance our respective communities.

CIMLA provides a forum for municipal leaders to discuss shared challenges, identify potential solutions, and collaborate on regional initiatives. Through CIMLA, municipal leaders have access to resources and expertise that can help them address pressing issues facing their communities. CIMLA also serves as a networking and information-sharing platform for municipal leaders on Cape Cod and the Islands.

Monthly Meetings

Take advantage of all CIMLA has to offer by attending our monthly meetings. Gain unique insights into local and industry issues, as discussed by our distinguished featured speakers. CIMLA also serves as a networking and information-sharing platform for municipal leaders on Cape Cod and the Islands.

We meet on the second Friday of each month, except for July & August.

Solve problems and engage with one another to advance our respective communities.

When:  Friday, February 14, 2025 - breakfast at 7:30 a.m.  (in-person and virtual option*)

Where:  Emerald Resort & Conference Ctr., 35 Scudder Ave, Hyannis, MA 02601


  1. Dept. of Public Utilities inquiry into utility poles (D.P.U. 25-10) - Maggie Downey, Cape Light Compact
  2. Low Lying Roads Project update - Kristy Senatori, Cape Cod Commission


*Zoom link to follow via email.